Saturday, 20 August 2011


It's funny how I get a lot of..

Are you okay? Reaaaaaaaaaally? Seriiiiiiiiiiiiously?

And stuffs like that despite how many times I've emphasized...


Like, seriously, honestly, really okay.

Yeah sure it was quite a relationship. I mean, 2 and half years ain't short. And it's kinda like, not just something that can be described through.. Words. Nehnehnehnehnehnehneh.......... Omg I'm so out of words about it I was stuck for like 15 minutes -.-

MY POINT IS. I'm okay. More than okay. I'm fine. No, more than fine. I'm doing great. No regrets. Except the way it ended, considering how dramatic and... Bad it was.

Till now, I've been great. Living my life to the fullest. No commitment, no burden, no troubles. Just fun fun fun fun fun! :)

Yeah okay I know what's the most important part of this.

There's no other guy, okay? Nohhhh! Not seeing/dating/attached/attracted to anyone okay! Enough of guysguysguysguysguys! Stop all the match-making! NEED AIR OKAY. And I don't need a guy to live please! I'm not desperate! I'm not guy-dependent! I'M AN INDEPENDENT GIRL! Just me and my friends! Crazy friends from college and long lost friends from secondary school!


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