SS15 Rojak and chendol.
Bazaar. Lemang, karipap, satay, samosa and some kuih.
Ate all of that in just 2 hours. Fat full untilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!
Omg la I'm gonna be sho damn fat :( :( :( My face is getting rounder and rounder! Shit! Sometimes I'm amazed by the amount of food I eat. Like seriously. When did I become such a.... Monster........? T_____________T But sometimes I can survive the whole day without eating anything! Omg la, I think I have binge eating disorder, except I don't purge, of course. I just... Overeat. It's kinda like food-bipolar. You know, bipolar is like, mood swing between mania and depression. In my case, I suddenly overeat and suddenly don't eat. I'll call it food-bipolar. Omg I think my lameness is just awesome HAHAHAHA.
I've been overeating lately. I don't know why! All my money spent on FOOD! Shit la, this is not me. SO NOT ME! I used to eat so little and spend the rest on SHOPPING! And now............. I spend most of my pocket money on food and drinks! The rest on... Pool -.- Heh I feel damn lifeless lo. Always pool pool pool. During my first sem I always thought those people in Asia Club are lifeless. Now I'm the one going there everyday. AND I'M THE FE-REH-KENG MAYOR OF ASIA CLUB IN FOURSQUARE. Lol max.
Lalalalalala k enough ranting bai
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